Tranquility Blog-Female Incontinence

Are Incontinence Pads the Right Product for Fecal Incontinence?

With so many incontinence product options available to help manage multiple types of urinary or bowe

Daughter and Mother2

How to Buy Adult Diapers: 4 Things to Consider

Millions of Americans experience incontinence. If you know someone that is starting to have decrease

9 Tips for Finding the Best Women’s Diapers to Stay Dry & Confident All Day

Adult diapers are often a part of everyday life, and they don’t have to be embarrassing. In fa

Man Depressed

The Emotional Aspects of Urinary Incontinence

When you or someone you know is diagnosed with urinary incontinence, the first details that normally

Daughter and Mother Elderly

Alzheimer’s and Incontinence: Answers to Caregiver Questions

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease can be a very trying experience, especially for so

Woman Diabetes Test

Urinary Incontinence in Women with Type 1 Diabetes

A recent study published by Diabetes Care discovered that there are increased odds of female urinary

senior woman and adult son joyful

Caregiving, Incontinence, and Frontotemporal Dementia

In this feature, we conducted an interview with Candace Williams, a caregiver to her mother and blog


Women’s Pelvic Health

The pelvic area and pelvic floor are central to maintaining bladder and bowel control. A woman’s p

Seniors Excercising

Loss of Muscle Strength Resulting in Incontinence

As we age, we slowly lose some of our muscle mass and strength. It is a natural aspect of aging... <

Bladder Health Awareness 2018

It’s Bladder Health Awareness Month! Help Tranquility® raise awareness for bladder health iss

~Monthly Incontinence Tips!~

Each month we will provide you with 2-3 tips about how to manage incontinence! This month’s tips w

Bathtub with Safety Grab Bars

Caregiver Support: Studies Highlight Three Ways to Prevent Falls

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls among older adults result

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