Tranquility Blog-Incontinence & Disease States

Are Incontinence Pads the Right Product for Fecal Incontinence?

With so many incontinence product options available to help manage multiple types of urinary or bowe

What is Incontinence: Types, Causes and All You Need to Know

Part 1: The Basics Welcome to the Incontinence Guide, presented by Tranquility® Products. Incontine

Woman Coughing

Diagnosing Stress Incontinence

What is stress urinary incontinence? When you think of stress, you might automatically think of psyc

Diabetes: Frequent Urination, Incontinence, & Nerve Damage

A common cause of incontinence in men and women is nerve damage. Muscles and nerves work in tandem t

Daughter and Mother Elderly

Alzheimer’s and Incontinence: Answers to Caregiver Questions

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease can be a very trying experience, especially for so

A Mother’s Medicaid Story: I Didn’t Know We Could Receive Tranquility®

Note: The names used in this story have been changed to protect identities. A mother, Maggie, lives


Tranquility and Dementia, A Caregivers Experience – Kitty Wall

Tranquility incontinence products were recently featured in the book, Dementia (Products Used and 8+

Down Syndrome and Incontinence

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and we want to use this opportunity to boost awareness of

senior man talks with doctor

2020 National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and we want to help Zero Cancer, the Prostate

Birth Defects and Incontinence – Spotlight on Angelman Syndrome

The month of January recognizes birth defects and highlights awareness for many lesser-known disorde

senior woman exercising at home

Maintaining a Healthy Weight to Control Incontinence

January begins the new year, and with it is the opportunity for people to make resolutions by establ

How Nerve-Sparing Robotic Surgery Changed Incontinence

20 years ago, a prostatectomy (the surgical procedure to remove part or the entire prostate) involve

Cancer, Radiation, and Incontinence Pads

Many cancer patients experience incontinence as an effect of radiation treatment. Prostate cancer is


Too Old for a Prostate Exam?

Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death for men in the United States. Approxima

Woman Walker with Granddaughter

Alzheimer’s Disease and Incontinence

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness Month. Tranquility® products and our staff are ded

Parent with Child with Cerebral Palsy

How do parents deal with Cerebral Palsy?

We discovered a great video post with some very useful information on how people deal with disabilit


DYK: Hydrocephalus and urinary incontinence issues

Tranquility offers an extensive array of products to meet a full range of incontinence needs. Some p

Woman Exercise Stepper

Incontinence and Diabetes

February is known as the “Heart Month” for the celebrations of Valentine’s Day and

Doctor Woman Test Results

Strokes and Incontinence

February is a known as the “Heart Month” for the celebrations of Valentine’s Day a

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