5 Tips & Considerations While Caring for Elderly Parents at Home
Older adults want to live at home. Aging in place, the phrase used to describe the desire for older

How Tranquility Improves IP and HAI Practices
Average time to read: 5 minutes In two previous articles, Infection Prevention & Incontinence Ca

Reduce Healthcare-Acquired Infections
Incontinence Care Practices and The Impact on HAI Average time to read: 6 minutes According to the C

Infection Prevention & Incontinence Care
During COVID-19 and Beyond Average time to read: 5 minutes As a leader in incontinence management fo

Best Practices for Care Providers to Ensure Minimal Contact During COVID-19
Currently we are living in a time of great uncertainty, and it can be even more frightening if you a

Dementia Care During COVID-19
Dr Dylan Wint, Director of Clinical Operations at Cleveland Clinic, has explained that people with d

Changing Incontinent Patients During COVID-19
The CDC has repeatedly emphasized the importance of practicing social distancing during the COVID-19

8 Ways Sleep Combats COVID-19
Sleep plays a critical role in the body’s ability to restore itself. With the spread of COVID-19,

Managing Incontinence During COVID-19
Thank you Thank you to the 2.6 million active nurses in the U.S.A. who have answered the call and ar